Mika Taanila was the curator of the Theme program for the 60th Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen in Germany. Entitled “Memories Can’t Wait – Film without Film” the series featured nine individual programs and one special program for children. Altogether 38 cinematic works were shown during May 1–6, 2014.
read full program notes by Mika Taanila (PDF)

read Andréa Picard’s article in Cinema Scope issue 59, 2014
read Erika Balsom’s feature in Artforum, September 2014
read Isabella Tommaso’s review in Filmidee #10 (in Italian)
read Jared Rapfogel’s review in Cineaste Vol. XXXIX, nor 4, 2014
lue Tytti Rantasen raportti, niin & näin 2/2014